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February 2015 @ ENSCI - Les ateliers

« Ethnographic design » workshop

directed by Marie Coirié (Care & Co)

For this workshop, Marie gave us as case study the association « Emmaüs Connect »

Emmaüs Connect  aim is to use digital technologies as social and professional insertion tools. To this end, they provide people with: mobile phone subscriptions, and internet access at low prices.

We met Margaux Phélip (Deputy director of the association), who explained to us that before extending their distribution network they wanted to improve their service in the existing outlets of Paris region.


Marie Coirié who is specialized in social innovation and service design, gave us some tools to identify the problem that faces the various outlets.  


+ Field observations of uses and practices of Emmaüs Connect teams and their beneficiaries.

Implementation of tools:

+ Interview questionnaires, response cards, pictures of the interviewees,

+ Analysis of space: mapping, flow analysis, pictures of the place

+ Communication medias and teams working tools


At the end of the week, we were able to present possible avenues for improvement to Margaux Phélip, in the form of :

+ Usual scenario : redefining the roles of team members

+ Prototype : Charter for the opening of new branches


Team : Aglaé Fish, Amory Panné, Chloe Jersey, Ivan Demeocq (all design students).


+ Ethnographic Design

+ Human centered design

+ Prototyping

+ Investigation



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